Country: Czechia, United States
Release Date: 2015
Runtime: 87 min
Director: Adolf Zika
Cast: Tomáš Hajíček, Vica Kerekes, Jana Kolesárová, Chantal Poullain, Zuzana Bydžovská, Vladimír Javorský, Martin Stránský, Richard Müller, Jakub Kohák, Stanislav Zindulka, Stanislava Ziková, Oldřich Navrátil, Zdeněk Podhůrský, Robert Vano, Mikuláš Křen, Matyáš Svoboda, Denis Dobrý, David Horváth, Anita Dušková, Pavel Doležal, Liubov Gileva, Karen Mchitarjan, Josef Ševčík, Martin Gardavský, Petr Schel, Kryštof Michal, Miroslav Navrátil, David Mašek, Martin Kovářič, Josef Špaček, Jakub Herš, Jakub Franěk, Zdeněk Milata, Miloslav Beránek, Květoslav Štěpán, Josef Vokál, Oto Procházka, Jakub Wenzel, Roman Farkaš, Zsolt Vojtko, Vlastimil Halbich, Vladimír Novohradský, Jaroslav Frič, Petr Gabaj, Flary Martin, Václav Kloboučnik, Filip Trnka, Marek Hanke, Robert Zeman, Blanka Koubová, Radka Bidlasová, Linda Petříková, Alžběta Hálová, Samuela Troblová, Eliška Heroutová, Jana Křeková, Marcel Oravec, Michal Souček, Nikol Gruberová, Barbora Vinařová, Jan Pavel Filipenský, Dana Ulrichová, Jitka Binková, Pavlína Tůmová, František Zika, Petr Berit, René Zelenka, Daniel Procházka, Petr Chaloupka, Miroslav Bartoš, Stanislav Hnilička, Erik Hyršl, Petr Chroňák, Mark Bliss, Jan Javůrek, Zdeněk Tušek, Fanda Binka, Roman Jeřábek, Jakub Paitl, Robert Ramik, Martin Pitra, Václav Petřík, Jan Touš, Tomáš Turner, Jaroslav Kozák, Lukáš Kovařík, Karel Šíma, Petr Buriánek, Radka Kozáková, Panki, Martina Fialková, Tomáš Roller, Jana Kadeřávková, Kateřina Tothová, Karolína Hynková, Karin Štěpánová, Ondřej Kavan, Daniel Bodlák, Ivan Drbohlav, Petr Kopsa, Petr Širc, Michal Němeček, Maty Dio, Helena Petřinová, Zdeněk Dvořák, Michaela Mišková, Iveta Bambasová, Kristýna Jandová, Emilie Popielová, Nikola Bochová, Adam Černohorský, Emma Lanská, Luděk Gerčák, Standa Rubáš, Adam Zika, Monika Ederová, Jan Harvalík, Nevena Thielová, Jiří Havelka, Tommy Jay, Irena Neradová, Florian Žarka, Branislav Bystriansky
Time of the screenshot: 00:09:22
What's going on in movie:
Adam is released.
Autor of screenshot: Banatova
Found by: PC
Address: Prague train station
Country: Czechia
GPS: 50.083368, 14.434659
Time of the screenshot: 00:58:59
What's going on in movie:
Adam travels to solve his past.
Actors on Screenshot: Tomáš Hajíček
Autor of screenshot: Banatova
Found by: ladak1
Address: Vodňanská ul., Prachatice
Country: Czechia
GPS: 49.022381, 14.006772
Time of the screenshot: 00:59:24
What's going on in movie:
Adam arrives to the place where could live his ex now.
Autor of screenshot: Banatova
Found by: ladak1
Address: Kostelní náměstí 15, Prachatice
Country: Czechia
GPS: 49.01315, 13.998827
Time of the screenshot: 01:00:59
What's going on in movie:
Adam searches everywhere.
Actors on Screenshot: Tomáš Hajíček
Autor of screenshot: Banatova
Found by: ladak1
Address: Kostelní náměstí 15, Prachatice
Country: Czechia
GPS: 49.013278, 13.999
Time of the screenshot: 01:03:27
What's going on in movie:
Adam searches for his old love.
Actors on Screenshot: Tomáš Hajíček
Autor of screenshot: Banatova
Found by: ladak1
Address: Neumannova 142, Prachatice
Country: Czechia
GPS: 49.013108, 13.996736
Time of the screenshot: 01:15:50
What's going on in movie:
Adam goes back.
Actors on Screenshot: Tomáš Hajíček
Autor of screenshot: Banatova
Found by: ladak1
Photographers: ladak1
Address: Neumannova 142, Prachatice
Country: Czechia
GPS: 49.013108, 13.996736
Time of the screenshot: 01:16:23
What's going on in movie:
Adam is a witness of an assault.
Actors on Screenshot: Tomáš Hajíček
Autor of screenshot: Banatova
Found by: ladak1
Address: Žernovická 1187, Prachatice
Country: Czechia
GPS: 49.01644, 14.013229
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