
Actor or Director Profile

Denholm Elliott

Denholm Elliott

Detailed Movie List

A Room with a View


Release Date and Country: 1985, United Kingdom

Director: James Ivory

Cast: Helena Bonham Carter, Julian Sands, Maggie Smith...

Movie or TV Series Plot: The story takes place in 1907, when young Lucy travels with her chaperone and aunt through the beauty of Florence and its surroundings. Here she meets young George, the son of a slightly eccentric fat...

Raiders of the Lost Ark


Release Date and Country: 1981, United States

Director: Steven Spielberg

Cast: Harrison Ford, Karen Allen, Paul Freeman...

Movie or TV Series Plot: Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford) is on an archeology mission in the jungle attempting to capture a special gold idol when he runs into his foe, René Belloq (Paul Freeman), who steals the idol from him an...

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