
Actor or Director Profile

Desmond Harrington

Desmond Harrington

Detailed Movie List

The Dark Knight Rises


Release Date and Country: 2012, United Kingdom, United States

Director: Christopher Nolan

Cast: Christian Bale, Gary Oldman, Tom Hardy...

Movie or TV Series Plot: It’s been nearly a decade since Harvey Dent’s death, and his legacy, The Dent Act, has put an end to nearly all organized crime. Batman (Christian Bale) has been out of sight for years, as has his alt...

Boiler Room


Release Date and Country: 2000, United States

Director: Ben Younger

Cast: Giovanni Ribisi, Nia Long, Vin Diesel...

Movie or TV Series Plot: In the Boiler Room, there is only one thing to do: call the bones to death and sell as many shares as possible to poor, unknowing gullible people who want to get rich quick and easy. Into this environ...

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