
Actor or Director Profile

Francis Lax

Francis Lax

Detailed Movie List

Too Shy to Try


Release Date and Country: 1978, France

Director: Pierre Richard

Cast: Pierre Richard, Aldo Maccione, Jacques Francois...

Movie or TV Series Plot: Pierre Renaud, an extremely shy character, works as a cashier in a luxurious hotel. There falls in love with Agnès, one of the customers. Decided to overcome his shyness he decides to follow Agnès dur...

The Troubles of Alfred


Release Date and Country: 1972, France

Director: Pierre Richard

Cast: Pierre Richard, Anny Duperey, Jean Carmet...

Movie or TV Series Plot: Alfred Dhumonttye is young and extremely unlucky architect whose building have the tendency to collapse. One day fed up by his failure he decides to kill himself by jumping in a canal in Paris. By a m...

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