
Actor or Director Profile

Elizabeth Banks

Elizabeth Banks

Detailed Movie List

The Next Three Days


Release Date and Country: 2010, United States, France

Director: Paul Haggis

Cast: Russell Crowe, Elizabeth Banks, Moran Atias...

Movie or TV Series Plot: John and Lara Brenn are common middle-class couple who has a peaceful life. However, one day, the police came to their house to arrest Lara for the murder of her boss. The case is desparate, so John d...

Definitely, Maybe


Release Date and Country: 2008, United States

Director: Adam Brooks

Cast: Ryan Reynolds, Isla Fisher, Abigail Breslin...

Movie or TV Series Plot: One day after school Maya (Abigail Breslin) asks her father (Ryan Reynolds) to tell her the story of how he met his mother and fell in love with her. He finally decides to tell her, but he changes fac...

Catch Me If You Can


Release Date and Country: 2002, United States

Director: Steven Spielberg

Cast: Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hanks, Christopher Walken...

Movie or TV Series Plot: This movie is based on the true story of Frank Abagnale. After the divorce of his parents Frank escapes his home. In order to survive he we will successfully pretend to be a commercial airline pilot, ...

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