
Actor or Director Profile

Mike Marshall

Mike Marshall

Detailed Movie List

Umbrella Coup

Release Date and Country: 1980, France

Director: Gérard Oury

Cast: Pierre Richard, Valérie Mairesse, Christine Murillo...

Movie or TV Series Plot: Grégoire Lecompte, an actor without success, living mostly out of small advertisement has a meeting for a role of hitman in a comedy. But because of a misunderstanding, he ends up being employed by re...

The Big Runaround


Release Date and Country: 1966, France

Director: Gérard Oury

Cast: Louis de Funes, Claudio Brook, Andréa Parisy...

Movie or TV Series Plot: A plane full of British airmen accidentally gets over occupied Paris and is shot down. Each of them then asks a civilian for help. So a room painter, an opera conductor, a beautiful blonde and a brave...

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