
Actor or Director Profile

Nate Corddry

Nate Corddry

Detailed Movie List

The Invention of Lying


Release Date and Country: 2009, United States

Director: Ricky Gervais, Matthew Robinson

Cast: Ricky Gervais, Jennifer Garner, Jonah Hill...

Movie or TV Series Plot: Imagine a world where there is no lie. Everybody says exactly what they think and everybody trusts everybody implicitly. The only one who tastes the magic of the lie is Mark Bellison (Ricky Gervais), ...

The Nanny Diaries


Release Date and Country: 2007, United States

Director: hari Springer Berman, Robert Pulcini

Cast: Scarlett Johansson, Laura Linney, Paul Giamatti...

Movie or TV Series Plot: Annie studies anthropology, but does not know exactly what direction in life to go. One day a wealthy woman meets her and In coincidence entrusts her baby to babysit. Annie's abilities spreads among t...

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