
Actor or Director Profile

Paul Winfield

Paul Winfield

Detailed Movie List

Mars Attacks!


Release Date and Country: 1996, United States

Director: Tim Burton

Cast: Jack Nicholson, Pierce Brosnan, Sarah Jessica Parker...

Movie or TV Series Plot: Mars Attacks is a satire of the Science Fiction genre. In the movie a fleet of Martian spacecraft surround the world's major cities, and all of humanity waits to see if the alien visitors follow throu...

The Terminator


Release Date and Country: 1984, United Kingdom, United States

Director: James Cameron

Cast: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Michael Biehn, Linda Hamilton...

Movie or TV Series Plot: A human-looking indestructible cyborg is sent from 2029 to 1984 to assassinate a waitress, whose unborn son will lead humanity in a war against the machines, while a soldier from that war is sent to p...

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