
Actor or Director Profile

Matthew Modine

Matthew Modine

Detailed Movie List

The Dark Knight Rises


Release Date and Country: 2012, United Kingdom, United States

Director: Christopher Nolan

Cast: Christian Bale, Gary Oldman, Tom Hardy...

Movie or TV Series Plot: It’s been nearly a decade since Harvey Dent’s death, and his legacy, The Dent Act, has put an end to nearly all organized crime. Batman (Christian Bale) has been out of sight for years, as has his alt...

The Divorce


Release Date and Country: 2003, United States, France

Director: James Ivory

Cast: Kate Hudson, Naomi Watts, Glenn Close...

Movie or TV Series Plot: Roxeanne is originally from US but has married in France. When her marriage seems to be in crisis, her sister Isabel is coming to visit her. Despite Isabel has to get used to the local rules she start...

Hitler: The Rise of Evil


Release Date and Country: 2003, Canada, United States

Director: Christian Duguay

Cast: Robert Carlyle, Stockard Channing, Jena Malone...

Movie or TV Series Plot: Robert Carlyle stars in this four-hour, fact-based mini-series that explores Adolf Hitler's rise to power during the years prior to World War II and focuses closely on how the embittered, politica...

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