
Actor or Director Profile

David Mackenzie

David Mackenzie

Detailed Movie List

Hell or High Water


Release Date and Country: 2016, United States

Director: David Mackenzie

Cast: Jeff Bridges, Chris Pine, Ben Foster...

Movie or TV Series Plot: The brothers, Toby and Tanner, need to raise a bunch of money for the bank that wants to foreclose on the land under their family ranch. They know there is oil on the land and they will be rich if the...

Young Adam


Release Date and Country: 2003, United Kingdom, France

Director: David Mackenzie

Cast: Ewan McGregor, Tilda Swinton, Peter Mullan...

Movie or TV Series Plot: Adam works as a boat crew for tradesman. One day the river floods a dead woman's body and the investigation of a murder will begin. Adam knows, how did all accident happen, but struggles of his own co...

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