
Actor or Director Profile

Raymond Pellegrin

Raymond Pellegrin

Detailed Movie List

Fantomas vs. Scotland Yard


Release Date and Country: 1966, France, Italy

Director: André Hunebelle

Cast: Louis de Funes, Jean Marais, Mylène Demongeot...

Movie or TV Series Plot: Fantomas has devised another hell of a stunt: he will give the world's richest people a choice - either life or the so-called right-to-life tax. All the rich at risk will meet in Scotland, in Lord Mac...

Fantomas Strikes Back


Release Date and Country: 1965, France

Director: André Hunebelle

Cast: Jean Marais, Louis de Funes, Mylène Demongeot...

Movie or TV Series Plot: This time, the pursuit of the cunning Fantomas brings Commissioner Juve, the journalist Fandor and his fiancée Helena to Rome, where an important scientific congress has been convened. The star of thi...

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