
Actor or Director Profile

Ted McGinley

Ted McGinley

Detailed Movie List

Pearl Harbor


Release Date and Country: 2001, United States

Director: Michael Bay

Cast: Ben Affleck, Josh Hartnett, Kate Beckinsale...

Movie or TV Series Plot: Danny and Rafe have been friends since they were kids and both fell in love with planes and flying. They didn't part ways as adults, when they both became pilots in the US Army. War is already raging ...

Married with Children


Release Date and Country: 1987, United States

Director: Sam W. Orender, Gerry Cohen, Amanda Bearse,...

Cast: Ed O'Neill, Katey Sagal, David Garrison...

Movie or TV Series Plot: The Bundy’s are a dysfunctional American family who are forever scheming to make more money, while struggling through everyday life. The patriarch of the family, Al (Ed O’Neill) is an unhappy shoes sa...

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