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Luisa Lee

Luisa Lee

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Brad's Status


Release Date and Country: 2017, United States

Director: Mike White

Cast: Ben Stiller, Jenna Fischer, Austin Abrams...

Movie or TV Series Plot: Brad is going to visit universities which can attend his son from the next year and this reminds him of his own studies. He imagines how successful are his classmates now and compares them with his li...

Lady Bird


Release Date and Country: 2017, United States

Director: Greta Gerwig

Cast: Saoirse Ronan, Laurie Metcalf, Tracy Letts...

Movie or TV Series Plot: The teenage Christine, who wishes to be addressed only as Lady Bird, is coming to terms with her social surroundings. To protect her, her parents enrol her in a Christian school. She tries to appear s...

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