
Actor or Director Profile

Jay Benedict

Jay Benedict

Detailed Movie List

Two Is a Family


Release Date and Country: 2016, United Kingdom, France

Director: Hugo Gélin

Cast: Omar Sy, Clémence Poésy, Antoine Bertrand...

Movie or TV Series Plot: Samuel loves to party, but one morning a woman left by him a baby claiming it is his. Samuel decided to find baby's mother in England but also has to radically change his life. He become a good father...

Page Eight


Release Date and Country: 2011, United Kingdom

Director: David Hare

Cast: Bill Nighy, Ralph Fiennes, Rachel Weisz...

Movie or TV Series Plot: Johnny Warricker works for MI5. While the secret files are revealed, his boss suddenly dies and it seems someone inside the agency is responsible for that. Johny needs to know the truth, but do not kn...

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