
Actor or Director Profile

Michel Gondry

Michel Gondry

Detailed Movie List

Mood Indigo


Release Date and Country: 2013, France, Belgium

Director: Michel Gondry

Cast: Audrey Tautou, Romain Duris, Omar Sy...

Movie or TV Series Plot: One day meets Colin Chloé and knows, she is the love of his life. Colin is bohemian and can offer Chloé a marvellous life. But Chloé gets ill soon and because of an expensive treatment has Colin to st...

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind


Release Date and Country: 2004, United States

Director: Michel Gondry

Cast: Jim Carrey, Kate Winslet, Kirsten Dunst...

Movie or TV Series Plot: Joel and Clementine were an extraordinary couple till the day Clementine decided to begin a new life. To achieve and cope with it she got their relationship deleted from her memory. Joel desires to do...

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