
Actor or Director Profile

Inma Cuesta

Inma Cuesta

Detailed Movie List

Everybody Knows

Thriller/Drama/Fairy tale

Release Date and Country: 2018, Spain, Italy, France

Director: Asghar Farhadi

Cast: Penélope Cruz, Javier Bardem, Ricardo Darín...

Movie or TV Series Plot: Laura and her children arrive in her hometown for her sister's wedding. During the celebration her adolescent daughter suddenly disappears. The kidnappers soon contact The Family and demand a ransom f...


Release Date and Country: 2016, Spain

Director: Pedro Almodóvar

Cast: Adriana Ugarte, Michelle Jenner, Darío Grandinetti...

Movie or TV Series Plot: Julieta decides to resolve her relationship with her daughter after many years. At the age of 18, she unexpectedly leaves home and never contacts her mother again. She blames her for the death of her ...

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