
Actor or Director Profile

Philippe Duquesne

Philippe Duquesne

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Blind Date


Release Date and Country: 2015, France

Director: Clovis Cornillac

Cast: Clovis Cornillac, Mélanie Bernier, Philippe Duquesne...

Movie or TV Series Plot: She is a pianist who, due to stage-fright, gives just lessons to children, He is a scientist who has been stuck at home for years to finish one of his works. She is necessarily noisy during the day, H...

Welcome to the Sticks


Release Date and Country: 2008, France

Director: Dany Boon

Cast: Kad Merad, Dany Boon, Zoé Félix...

Movie or TV Series Plot: Philippe Abrams leads workers in a post office, while the stategy of management is time to time change the city, where leaders work. He tries to get to south by the sea, but finally is sent into far N...

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