
Actor or Director Profile

Damon Hines

Damon Hines

Detailed Movie List

Lethal Weapon 3


Release Date and Country: 1992, United States

Director: Richard Donner

Cast: Mel Gibson, Danny Glover, Joe Pesci...

Movie or TV Series Plot: Cutting the wrong wire of a time bomb demolishes not only the seven-story building, but also Detective Murtaugh's dream of a peaceful retirement in a few days. He and his somewhat deranged partner Rig...

Lethal Weapon 2


Release Date and Country: 1989, United States

Director: Richard Donner

Cast: Mel Gibson, Danny Glover, Joe Pesci...

Movie or TV Series Plot: Los Angeles. Officers Martin Riggs and Roger Murtaugh are on the trail of drug smugglers. Tracking accountant Leo Getz, who embezzled mob money, leads them to South African diplomat Rudd. Both detecti...

Lethal Weapon


Release Date and Country: 1987, United States

Director: Richard Donner

Cast: Mel Gibson, Danny Glover, Gary Busey...

Movie or TV Series Plot: Černošský seržant Roger Murtaugh (Danny Glover), který má pár týdnů do důchodu, dostane za parťáka bílého seržanta Martina Rigse (Mel Gibson), jenž chtěl po smrti manželky spáchat sebevraždu. Z počátk...

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