
Actor or Director Profile

Mia McGovern Zaini

Mia McGovern Zaini

Detailed Movie List

The Worst Person in the World


Release Date and Country: 2021, Norway, France, Sweden,...

Director: Joachim Trier

Cast: Renate Reinsve, Anders Danielsen Lie, Herbert Nordrum...

Movie or TV Series Plot: Julie lives with Aksel, who is quite older then she. This difference is evident in many social situations, especially when it comes to children. That is why she is not afraid to spontaneously fall in ...

House of Gucci


Release Date and Country: 2021, United States

Director: Ridley Scott

Cast: Lady Gaga, Adam Driver, Al Pacino...

Movie or TV Series Plot: The film describes the real events happened in the Gucci family. The young ambitious girl Patrizia decides to gain the favor of the one member of this family. Maurizio Gucci is enchanted by her uninhi...

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