
Actor or Director Profile

Maurice Risch

Maurice Risch

Detailed Movie List

The Last Metro


Release Date and Country: 1980, France

Director: François Truffaut

Cast: Catherine Deneuve, Gérard Depardieu, Jean Poiret...

Movie or TV Series Plot: Marion suddenly becomes the theater manager after her husband. It is before WW II and Luke has Jewish descent, so decides to hide in the basement of the theater and waits for the opportunity to enter ...

Umbrella Coup

Release Date and Country: 1980, France

Director: Gérard Oury

Cast: Pierre Richard, Valérie Mairesse, Christine Murillo...

Movie or TV Series Plot: Grégoire Lecompte, an actor without success, living mostly out of small advertisement has a meeting for a role of hitman in a comedy. But because of a misunderstanding, he ends up being employed by re...

The Exchange Student


Release Date and Country: 1967, France

Director: Jean Girault

Cast: Louis de Funes, Ferdy Mayne, François Leccia...

Movie or TV Series Plot: Charles Bosquier is the director of a prestigious boarding school for children of wealthy family. As his oldest son, Philippe fails his graduation exam due to his poor level of English, Mr Bosquier de...

The Restaurant


Release Date and Country: 1966, France

Director: Jacques Besnard

Cast: Louis de Funes, Bernard Blier, María-Rosa Rodriguez...

Movie or TV Series Plot: The Grand Restaurant is the most famous and expensive establishment in all of Paris, run with a firm hand by Mr. Septim. It's not only high officials and ministers who come here. But when the presiden...

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