
Actor or Director Profile

Jessica St. Clair

Jessica St. Clair

Detailed Movie List

Like a Boss


Release Date and Country: 2020, United States

Director: Miguel Arteta

Cast: Rose Byrne, Tiffany Haddish, Salma Hayek...

Movie or TV Series Plot: Mia and Mel have been friends from their childhood. Now they are adults, do business in the cosmetics industry together and live in one house too. Their enthusiasm at work, does not repay, so they dec...

The Dictator


Release Date and Country: 2012, United States

Director: Larry Charles

Cast: Sacha Baron Cohen, Aasif Mandvi, Anna Faris...

Movie or TV Series Plot: After UN tries to sanction the Northeastern Africa Republic of Wadiya, President Prime Minister Admiral General Haffaz Aladeen flies to United States to give them his speech. But shortly after he arri...

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