Get the answers to the most common FAQ and find out how to use this website. If you have any questions, please, feel free to contact us.
User Registration
To upload movies, filming and real locations, you need to be registered. Then you will be logged in immediately. We do not require e-mail verification but we recommend using a proper e-mail in case you forget your password. In such case we will generate a provisional password that will be delivered on your e-mail. And you can change this password on your profile later.
New Movie Upload
We require basic information when uploading a new movie: title, movie length and content. Please, bear in mind that even the movie description is protected by copyright and you cannot use it here without author´s approval. We accept the official distributor's text. When the movie is uploaded, you can immediately add film shots and you do not have to wait for the movie approval.
New Series Upload
Please, follow the steps as for “New Movie Upload”. After, when you upload a film shot (Filming location/Add filming location) click on “Select movie/series”. From the options offered, choose “Add missing episode of already existing series”. Select the title of the series from a rollover menu and then assign the number of the episode; you can even add the name of the episode if it has one. Then click on “Upload” and the movie will be converted to series and your uploaded film shots will match the episode.
Filming Location and Photos Upload
Do you want to upload a new interesting filming location or ask other users where a movie was shot? All you need is a screenshot of the movie picturing a place that is appealing and easy to find, i.e. historical buildings, streets, castles, natural beauties, bridges but also indoor public approachable places.
We cannot accept filming locations that our readers are not able to distinguish easily, i.e. places in forest, meadow, bridge over a stream, field road etc. Only exception is the situation when you upload such a filming location as a screenshot of a movie and insert its address and an actual photo of the place.
The description of the filming location should depict its meaning in the particular movie. When describing the actual picture, write its real meaning, e.g. buildings. If you recognize the place where a movie was shot, add its address and photo, if possible. It is interesting to follow changes that have happened since the movie was shot there. So, please, try to take the photo from the camera´s point of view.
I Have a Better Quality Picture
Use the link “Add Your Own Picture”. There can be more photos to one filming location, but still but still we prefer pictures that realistically resemble the filming shot. When uploading pictures of filming locations shot in winter, we prefer your pictures taken obviously in winter as well.
Improper Details of the Filming Location
Join the discussion below every movie or even better below each particular filming shot and tell us what you think about it. According to your comments our editors can correct the wrong details.
What parameters must the pictures have?
The system accepts pictures only in JPEG form. You can upload pictures from your digital camera without any editing since the pictures will be adjusted by our editors.
What if I only know the filming location but I don´t have the actual photo of it?
Don´t worry about it. Click on the grey map with a question mark and select “Filming Location Address”. Insert the address of the location in the new window and then you can shift the red point on the map to the exact filming location. Always pinpoint the place, where the camera was situated. GPS coordinates will be automatically set but the address are usually not very accurate, so it is better when you edit the address yourself.
How to get a picture from the movie?
Unfortunately, getting a picture from the movie is not very easy so far. You will need:
- Windows XP/Vista/7/Mac OS X
DVD program VLC download for free here is probably the best program for obtaining screenshots from movies. Afrer opening VLC, click on Setting - Video and select the folder where the screenshots will be saved and choose jpg file format. And then while watching the movie, just pause it and select Video-Snapshot.
Scoring System
- New Movie Upload: 1 - 3 points
You can receive the second point for the DVD cover and the third point for your own plot description.
- Screenshot Upload: 5 points
To pick interesting places from the movie takes a while and therefore you will get more points for that.
- Authorial Actual Photo Upload: 8 - 10 points
By authorial we mean a photo that has been taken by you. You will receive the points according to the closest “matching” with the filming shot but also for the quality of the picture. However, we do not require any professional pictures. Even today´s mobile phones can provide you with full points. It also doesn´t matter if you include shot´s surroundings but the filming shot must be recognizable in any case.
Real photos from Internet (incl. StreetView): WE DO NOT ACCEPT!
- Identification of the location - address insertion: 8 points
You will get 8 points for the address that perfectly matches the given place. While inserting the address you should pay attention not only to its position (you can shift the red point on the map) but always check the automatically inserted Google addresses as they are sometimes inaccurate and misleading.
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