
Actor or Director Profile

Therese Bradley

Therese Bradley

Detailed Movie List


Release Date and Country: 2013, United Kingdom, Germany, Sweden,...

Director: Jon S. Baird

Cast: James McAvoy, Jamie Bell, Eddie Marsan...

Movie or TV Series Plot: Bruce (James McAvoy) used to be a good cop, but then something broke, probably the fact that his wife left him with his beloved daughter, and he became a cocaine-addled, venal, sleazy, promotion-hungr...

Young Adam


Release Date and Country: 2003, United Kingdom, France

Director: David Mackenzie

Cast: Ewan McGregor, Tilda Swinton, Peter Mullan...

Movie or TV Series Plot: Adam works as a boat crew for tradesman. One day the river floods a dead woman's body and the investigation of a murder will begin. Adam knows, how did all accident happen, but struggles of his own co...

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