
Actor or Director Profile

Renato Salvatori

Renato Salvatori

Detailed Movie List

The Burglars

Release Date and Country: 1971, France, Italy

Director: Henri Verneuil

Cast: Jean-Paul Belmondo, Omar Sharif, Dyan Cannon...

Movie or TV Series Plot: A group of professional thieves in Athens have managed a real masterstroke: the theft of dozens of unique green diamonds. But on their heels is a corrupt policeman who also wants to get his hands on t...

Two Women


Release Date and Country: 1960, Italy

Director: Vittorio De Sica

Cast: Sophia Loren, Jean-Paul Belmondo, Eleonora Brown...

Movie or TV Series Plot: A film drama based on the famous novel by Albert Moravia. Italy at the end of World War II. A young widow Cesira fears for the life and health of her twelve-year-old daughter Rosetta. She decides to l...

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