
Actor or Director Profile

Robin Wright

Robin Wright

Detailed Movie List

A most wanted man


Release Date and Country: 2014, United States, Germany, United Kingdom

Director: Anton Corbijn

Cast: Philip Seymour Hoffman, Rachel McAdams, Willem Dafoe...

Movie or TV Series Plot: The spy movie based on John le Carré's novel from Hamburg. ...

House of Cards


Release Date and Country: 2013, United States

Director: David Fincher, Joel Schumacher, James Foley,...

Cast: Kevin Spacey, Robin Wright, Michael Kelly...

Movie or TV Series Plot: Majority House Whip Francis Underwood wants his vengeance. Filming locations TV series House of Cards is filmed especially in Washington. ...



Release Date and Country: 2011, United States

Director: Bennett Miller

Cast: Brad Pitt, Jonah Hill, Robin Wright...

Movie or TV Series Plot: Oakland A's general manager Billy Beane's successful attempt to assemble a baseball team on a lean budget by employing computer-generated analysis to acquire new players. ...

Forrest Gump


Release Date and Country: 1994, United States

Director: Robert Zemeckis

Cast: Tom Hanks, Robin Wright, Gary Sinise...

Movie or TV Series Plot: An Alabama mother (Sally Field) gives birth to a son who has both mental and physical impairments. She is dedicated to her son, Forrest (Tom Hanks) and gets him into school with the rest of the chil...

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